Friday, May 5, 2017

First Aid and Injury

If you are ever in a bad situation there is a good chance someone is going to end up hurt.  And that someone might be you.  In any situation where immediate emergency medical care isn't available you have to have a good first-aid kit.  This is one of those things that can start a flame war on a forum.  "This one is best!"  "No you idiot, the model XXX is the perfect first-aid kit"  and so on.  As with all things, if you can't use it then it's not terribly useful to you.  But with the first-aid kit I think a lot more leeway is in order.

So to begin, I'll share what's in my Jump Bag as far as a first aid kit and accessories.  And I'll try to give you an idea why.

Adventure Medical Kits Mountain Series Day Tripper Medical Kit 

I chose this kit because it covered a nice array of general needs and had a good price break.  Price was important because I was going to need more than one.  I liked that it came in a fairly basic soft case and the layout was good.  It has a nice book, so in the event you get in a jam you can read up on how to do that thing you need to do to yourself to pass the time until you bite the belt and do it.

As nice as the kit was though, it was going to need some accessory items to put it up near the emergency level I wanted, so I added the following.

Ever Ready Bandage Battle Dressing First Aid Compression Bandage, 6 Inch

I wanted a good solid emergency field dressing.  The ones we were issued in the army were similar, but a bit smaller.  I hear nothing but good things about this style, so it went into the kit.

But what if there is massive bleeding?  Then we turn to this;

QuikClot Sport, Advanced Clotting Sponge 25 gram, 3.5" x 3.5"

It's a sponge that is impregnated with a clotting substance.  Between this and the battle dressing you should be able to slow the flow of blood leaving the body pretty well.  Not that this will be a 100% sure fire solution, but it might be the difference between life and death.

But, what if it's not a gusher?  More than a band-aid but less than life threatening?

3M Steri Strip Skin Closures 1/4'' X 3'' - 10 Packages of 3

Butterfly strips.  the package comes with plenty, and they're nice to have.  They are good for closing a long laceration or incision that isn't sure deep.

If you need stitches.....well there are alternatives.  Remember in the movie Rambo, then he sews his wounded arm up with a needle and thread?  I'm way too much of a normal-man for that sort of macho.  But what if I really need to close a wide open or deep gash?

Alimed Wound Staple, Pistol Grip Stainless Steel / Nickel Staples 35 Wide Staples

Yes, a stapler.  This isn't the model I got, but it's the same sort of device.  We're not talking about your red Swingline stapler either.  when I mentioned to a friend that I had picked one of these up she didn't actually believe that you could buy one of these.  Then she asked me if I bought the staple remover.  Sadly, no.  I figure if I need to, I'll figure something out when the time comes.

No matter how nice the first aid kit is, you're going to need to add some things to it.  Or refill it if you need some of the things in it.  

There are refill and add on kits out there that can enhance the capabilities of your first aid kit, or that you can use to build a kit of your own from the ground up.

First Aid Only Refill For Bulk 25 Person First Aid Kit, 106-Piece Boxes

Adventure Medical Kits Backpacking Refill Medications, 18 Count

Refill Topical Antiseptics and Ointments for First Aid Kits

Nature's Way Activated Charcoal, 100 Capsules 

So there it is, the first-aid kit for my Jump Bag.  I want to see what local organizations give first-aid classes.  It's been decades since I was CPR qualified or taken a serious first aid class.  It's important to know at least the basics. You don't have to be EMT qualified, but basic first aid is a skill everyone should have.  What about you?  Are you ready in case something goes wrong? 

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