You have begun to seriously dig into the Prepper thing. You have started training with firearms, working on your wilderness survival skills, you've got good gear, but not too much because you know skills are more valuable than gear.
Can you knit, or crochet, or sew a shirt, or mend a sock, or weave fabric? There are skills that probably have not crossed your mind. Most of us don't think about where we're going to get shoes after a SHTF situation, and I mean well after. Day to day wear and tear I go through a pair of combat boots in about two years. Those are good quality boots and I'm not living in them, putting miles and miles on them like I might need to in a SHTF type of situation.
You might think that it's not going to be a problem, and that might be the case. But, what about your shirts and pants. If you have a plan to wash your clothing then you can certainly extend it's lifespan. for how long though, I mean eventually people will need new cloths and shoes and those skills are going to be as important as any others.
Like everything skills are situational. When you are cold and need to start a fire being able to cut fabric, mark a seam, sew a seam, and so on will not be all that important. But when someone needs some clothing mended, or made from scratch, those skills will be important.
It's obvious that some skills will stop being useful, at least for a time. Computer programming, probably not very useful in a SHTF situation. Maybe ten years later, but not likely 2 years later.
Obviously you can't have every possible skill. There is a limit to how self-sufficient you can actually be. This is another one of those points when we bring up how important it is to become part of a community. Pooling resources, and skills are a resource.
Take stock of your non-survival skills. Are you good with engines, or maybe you know how to frame a house, or perhaps you can make a quilt. where are you weak, and where are you strong. It will help you figure out what you might need when SHTF happens.
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